
mercoledì 5 dicembre 2007

Nofx - The Brews

Friday night we'll be drinkin' Manishevitz
Goin' out to terrorize Goyem
Stompin' shagitz, screwin' shicksas
As long as we're home by Saturday mornin
Cause hey, we're the Brews
Sportin' anti-swastika tattoos
Oi Oi we're the boys
Orthodox, hesidic, O.G. Ois

Orthopedic, Dr. Martins good for
Waffle making, kickin' through the shin
Reputation, gained through intimidation
Pacifism no longer tradition

Cause hey we're the Brews
Sportin' anti-swastika tattoos
Oi Oi we're the Brews
The fairfax ghetto boys skinhead Hebrews

We got the might, psycho mashuganas
We can't lose a fight, as we are the chosen ones
Chutspah, we battle then we feast
We celebrate, we'll separate our milkplates from our meat

We're the Brews
Sportin' anti-swastika tattoos
Oi Oi we're the boys
Orthodox, hesidic, O.G. Ois

[This is what some of the Jewish terms mean:]
[Manashevitz = Cheap wine Jews stereotypically drink; Goyem = Non-Jewish people; Shagitz = Preppies; Mashuganas = Yiddish for "Crazy"; Chutspah = Untranslatable Yiddish term meaning a cross between balls and rudeness; "Sporting anti-swastika tattoos" - It's against the Jewish law to get a tattoo; "As long as we're home by Saturday morning" - Jews gotta be home in time for Synagogue; Fairfax = A part of LA where the Orthodox Jews live; "Dai Dayenu" = Part of Jewish Hymn;]

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